As a "Worker bee" ex-I know how it feels to feel really bogged down by the stress of everyday life. It's not a pleasant feeling. I was lucky enough to realize this early on, and have since made some radical changes in figuring out what makes me tick. In general I believe that trip, music, family and friends, but I'm sure there are a few things in between each round hour who helped make me.
At this stage in my life, I try to see as much as possible Canada. During the last few years I have traveled off and on, especially through Canada. The thing I noticed, is that the Remote Canada. There's this "island in the middle of nowhere", but if you're looking to escape the rat race or of the life you've built, travel Canada can be a great escape.
Canada is the second largest country in the world, and with only ~ 33 million people are on a large landscape, it didn't take long to find yourself really isolated for miles (or kilometers) in all directions. Take the province of Saskatchewan, I grew up in and be proud to call my home. This strange shaped province roughly the size of France, but with a population of 1/60th. If you're driving through the State, it is not hard to find yourself in the middle of nowhere.
Saskatchewan is really unique in this sense. The majority of Canada is located in the southern part of the country. Far north you go, the less people you'll find. I'm not a very spiritual people, but there is something real in knowing that no matter how hard you shout, no one will hear you. This is a sobering thought to know that there are still places in the large blue rock we call Earth that remain untouched, not changed, has not reformed by 7.5 billion people that live on it.
They say that the easiest way to find yourself is alone. Travel to Canada and find out for yourself. Out of the metropolitan centers. Leave your car. Leave your habits, your hobbies, yourself, and look into. This can be an incredible experience for those who have never tried. Take 30 minutes out of your life, and feel something new something new.Do. The experience of the world that you've never seen. Canada is perfect.
Corbin is an avid backpacker/travel company based in Canada. He currently operates an independent travel guide for backpackers to Canada. He plans to hit the road in a few days to check the price Edward Island, which is the smallest province of Canada and Canada's birthplace.